- BY Jacob Swei
- POSTED IN Blog, Uncategorised

Sick Of The Sniffles? A/C Could Be The Way Forward!
Breaking news! The UK summer heatwave is due to continue with temperatures reaching up to just under 30 degrees, spelling more trouble for hayfever sufferers across the country.
Temperatures on the 26th June hit 32° in Wales which is the hottest day of the year so far – great news to anyone who isn’t debilitated by their allergies.
According to The Express, the number of people affected so far is already at record levels and it is only going to become more widespread, with up to a THIRD of Britons likely to have their lives ruined by itchy eyes and sneezing before summer is up!

What's this got to do with Air Conditioning?
Those of you who have budget air conditioning units like the Electri Q or TCL DIY units are bound to suffer from:
- gas leakages
- insane refrigerant repair costs
- cheap creaking parts and worst of all
- horrible hayfever symptoms!
If you suffer with hayfever, you know how unsociable it makes you feel, how ratty it gets you and how much misery it causes you!
(NOTE: don’t try explaining this to your SO, the response from mine was “Naa Jacob, that’s you all year round, don’t blame the hayfever!)
Don't worry! The right Air Conditioning can help!
That’s right! Air Conditioning can help hay fever sufferers everywhere, the same way it helps those who suffer with asthma…
People who are sensitive to the movement of dust particles and allergens in the air will have their symptoms worsened by standing desk fans, as they circulate the allergens around the room.
However, if your air conditioning unit is fit for purpose, it will efficiently force air through a fine mesh that will catch and stop the pollen, dust mites and other allergens dead in their tracks!
Not only this but dust mites (a common trigger for allergies) thrive in warm conditions, which means the cooling effect of air conditioning also helps to stifle mites.

So what are the best air conditioning units for hayfever?
In no particular order:
1.The TOSHIBA DAISEIKAI– This unit hasn’t sold that well (so I am told) but this system was one of the FIRST to combat allergens. We have put a handful of these in. Part of the flagship range, the neat hidden LED lights on the cover really do compliment the unit well.
More information can be found here http://www.toshiba-aircon.co.uk/product/daiseikai-inverter-high-wall/
2.The Mitsubishi Electric LN– 2017 R32 refrigerant-based unit at its best. 4 QUAD Filter, great unit, and currently 10% off in RED :) Check out my review late last year!
3.The Panasonic Etherea NANOEG– The filtering technology is trademarked, which to me speaks dividends. It works!! The main benefit we can see with the technology is to reduce that horrible “cats pee smells” which can be caused by a dirty filter and mouldy coil. More info here (video from Prateek Malik): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45NtiWyIBtg